I hope you all had a wonderful NYE celebrating 2015 memories and hopefully you hold plenty of excitement for 2016. I’ve been inspired and motivated by many blog posts over the last couple of days, for one reason or another, so in tradition I thought I would type up a few of my New Year goals for the next 12 months.


In short, last year’s resolution was to simply ‘choose happiness’. Simple, but not as easy as you may think. There was and maybe still is a lot of judgement from people around me, unasked questions but observations that made it difficult for me at times. As I sit here with a cup of coffee in a cosy cafe with the rain beating down outside, I feel content and happier than I have in a long time. Without repeating the thoughts I shared with you here on New Years Eve, I’m starting the first blog post looking forward – I don’t want to dwell on 2015 at all – so I hope you can take some inspiration from this list.

Make small goals.
I actually started this back at the end of October and have managed to reach more than I thought I would. It’s so easy to make big plans but I find this is when I fail to achieve them. Think of it like a jigsaw puzzle.
Write a list of smaller goals that you would like to achieve by the end of each month (I like to do this month by month rather than look too far ahead) and make them manageable. Instead of aspiring to reach huge milestones, try to get there one step at a time and it will also feel like you have accomplished more.

Create more memories to share.
I’ve had a passion for photography since I was little, a pastime I inherited from my dear Grandad who always took photos with a camera that would now be classed as retro! I want to learn how to make full use of my Sony a5000 camera and vlog more. From creating video montages of me and my friends at school messing about to vlogging moments on holiday, I have always enjoyed editing those small but significant memories that sometimes a photo doesn’t capture. I re-watched my vlog from Lisbon last year yesterday and it reminded me how special it is to capture these trips with friends and family. I want to film more for my YouTube channel (I now have a beautiful new tripod thanks to one of my best friends – no more piling books up on tables haha!) and I want to continue filling up my memory scrapbooks – I have about 3 on the go!

Embrace a new skincare regime.
I admit that I can be super lazy with my skincare routine. I’ve used the same lotions and potions for years and as I turn another year older on Wednesday, I want to start taking care of myself a little better  – investing in products that will preserve my youth for as long as possible! If you have any recommendations for day/night creams, serums etc please let me know in the comments 🙂

I’m keeping it short and sweet this year, it can be tempting to create endless lists of things to achieve. I would like to travel more, go back to my favourite city in the world (New York) and have my own column in a magazine – but I think it’s far more exciting to go with the flow and see where life takes you – spontaneous moments usually make the best memories.

What are your 2016 plans?

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